Closeup of Andrew Huberman

Andrew Huberman's Daily Schedule

How he optimizes his morning, afternoon and night for focus, productivity, and sleep.

Dr. Andrew D. Huberman is an acclaimed neuroscientist and a tenured professor at Stanford University School of Medicine. He's distinguished for his pioneering work in the field of brain development, particularly in the visual system. This article focuses on the details of Dr. Huberman's morning routine, how he remains productive in the afternoon, his workout routine, what he eats, what supplements he takes, and his highly optimized sleep routine.
Bonus: Andrew Huberman's Comprehensive Supplement Guide: Boosting Testosterone, Sleep Quality, and Mental Sharpness

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Andrew Huberman's Morning Routine

Wake up

~6:00 am

Andrew Huberman starting his morning routine


Wakes up naturally between 5:30 am and 6:30 am. For Andrew Huberman's morning routine, he doesn't use an alarm.

"Waking up early, usually around 5:00 or 6:00 am helps you feel more energized and focused throughout the day. Additionally,  early mornings are beneficial for regulating circadian rhythms, which can help to improve sleep quality."
Dr. Huberman
Water droplets

6:00 AM

Andrew Huberman drinking AG1

Morning Routine Hydration

Closeup of a glass

Drink 2 glasses of water.

“I’ve been using AG1 since 2012 because it’s the simplest, most straightforward way for me to get my basis of important vitamins, minerals, and probiotics.

Dr. Huberman on Athletic Greens

I should mention the Athletic Greens is delicious. I love the way it tastes. I mix mine with some water and a little bit of lemon or lime juice.
Whenever somebody has asked me what's the one supplement they should take, I always answer AG1 by Athletic Greens."

Dr. Huberman on electrolytes in the morning routine

"Your nervous system and your neurons particularly depend on electrolytes because you need the electrolytes, sodium, magnesium, and potassium, in the proper ratios, in order for those nerve cells to fire what are called action potentials"
"Typically, what I do in the morning is I hydrate, I do take an electrolyte drink, which is a salt-heavy electrolyte drink called LMNT. LMNT is an electrolyte drink that has everything you need in order to get your brain and body to function at its best, but none of the things you don't, in particular, sugar"
Andrew Huberman holding a glass with AG1

Benefits of Daily Use of AG1

AG1 by Athletic Greens is a comprehensive and efficient nutrition solution formulated to support whole-body health with 75 high-quality vitamins, minerals, and whole-food sourced ingredients. Its powder form makes it extremely absorbable.

Promotes gut health

Prebiotics, probiotics and natural occurring enzymes bolster digestion and nutrient absorption.

Supports immunity

Your daily dose of Vitamin C, zinc, healing mushrooms and more.

Helps recovery

Packed with superfoods, adaptogens + antioxidants. Trusted by the world's best endurance athletes.

Sustains energy

Magnesium regulates all-day energy by supporting energy production in our cells.

Learn more about the science and benefits of AG1 ->
Buy Athletic Greens ->
Get a free one-year supply of vitamin D drops + five travel packs with your first purchase when you buy a double subscription of AG1 via Routines
Andrew Huberman focusing on Yoga
6:00 AM
Andrew Huberman focusing on Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra

Closeup of a clock
10-35 min

If you wake up not fully rested, Yoga Nidra can help you start your day efficiently. This technique can assist you in achieving a sleep-like state and replenishing dopamine, reducing cortisol, and decreasing total sleep need.

Dr. Huberman on Yoga Nidra (Non-Sleep Deep Rest)

“There are some interesting data published showing that these yoga nidra meditations, if you will, can upregulate some of the neurotransmitters in the brain, including dopamine, that make you prepared for action.”

“There was this lore in the yoga nidra community that 30 minutes of yoga nidra is equivalent to 4 hours of sleep. Frankly, I don’t think there’s any evidence for that specific statement. But when I started doing this practice and exploring it, I found that I would come out of a 30-minute yoga nidra session feeling like I slept 5, 6 hours or longer.”
Read Dr. Huberman's Extensive coverage of NSDR and sleep optimization here.

Yoga Nidra and it's benefits

Yoga nidra, also known as "yogic sleep," is a type of relaxation practice involving guided body scans and visualizations. It aims to bring the mind and body into a deep relaxation state akin to the state between wakefulness and sleep. Some studies suggest that it may improve sleep quality, reduce insomnia symptoms, and alleviate stress and anxiety. Despite its potential benefits, it's crucial to remember that yoga nidra should not replace medical treatment for sleep disorders.

Sun exposure
6:45 AM
Andrew Huberman focusing on sun exposure

Sun Exposure

Closeup of a sun

2-10 minutes of sunlight exposure while walking for optic flow

Closeup of a switch

Optional: Use an artificial light if the sun has not yet arisen. Get sunlight when it is available.

Dr. Huberman on the Benefits of Morning Sunlight

“View morning sunlight!” is one of my common refrains. Viewing sunlight within the first hours of waking (as soon as you can, even if through cloud cover) increases early-day cortisol release (the ideal time for elevated cortisol) and prepares the body for sleep later that night. A morning spike in cortisol will also positively influence your immune system, metabolism and ability to focus during the day.

"The single best thing you can do for your sleep your energy your mood your wakefulness your metabolism is to get natural light in your eyes early in the day. This is grounded in the core of our physiology. There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of quality peer-reviewed papers showing that light viewing early in the day is the most powerful stimulus for wakefulness throughout the day and it has a powerful, positive impact on your ability to fall and stay asleep at night. So this is really the foundational power tool for ensuring a great night's sleep and for feeling more awake during the day."

On Alternative Lighting

“If you wake up before the sun rises, flip on as many lights as you can in your space if you want to be awake in your artificial light environment. And then, once the sun is out, go outside.”

On Optic Flow
“There are now at least half a dozen quality papers published in quality peer-reviewed journals that show that forward ambulation — walking or biking or running — and generating optic flow in particular has this incredible property of lowering activity in the amygdala and thereby reducing levels of anxiety.”

Closeup of a shower
7:00 AM
Andrew Huberman in a cold plunge

Cold Exposure

Cold exposure can be done as an ice bath or a shower. Ice baths have been shown to be more effective but cold showers can work too.

Read our in-depth guide on Cold Plunging and Cold Exposure

: 1X weekly, 1-3 min
Metabolism: 2X weekly / 11 min total
Recovery: 3-6 min after training
How cold? “I really want to get out but can stay in safely”. (~45F or ~7C)

Benefits of Deliberate Cold Exposure:

Deliberate cold exposure offers a range of benefits for both the brain and body. By following proper protocols, individuals can experience increased energy, focus, mood, resilience, metabolism, physical recovery, and a stronger mind-body connection.

Energy and Focus: Cold exposure triggers the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine, enhancing alertness, focus, and providing a boost of energy that can be applied to mental and physical activities.

Resilience and Grit: Embracing the stress of cold exposure as a self-directed challenge strengthens top-down control over reflexive states, fostering resilience and grit that extends to real-world stressors.

Mood Enhancement: Cold exposure causes the release of dopamine, elevating mood, enhancing focus, attention, and goal-directed behavior, leading to sustained improvements in mood, energy, and focus.

Metabolism: Cold exposure increases metabolism in the short term as the body burns calories to maintain core body temperature. Conversion of white fat to metabolically active brown fat can provide long-term metabolic benefits.

Physical Recovery: Cold-water immersion after high-intensity exercise or endurance training can be an effective recovery tool, promoting muscle power, reducing muscle soreness, and enhancing perceived recovery.

Mind-Body Connection: Deliberate cold exposure improves the mind-body connection by challenging mental barriers, increasing resilience, and developing a greater sense of control over reflexive responses.

Importance Of Deliberate Cold Exposure

“Anchoring your mind in cognitive activities as you get into the cold can be very helpful for maintaining clarity of mind.”
"Personally get tremendous benefit from doing deliberate cold exposure three times a week and using the walls method"
"I'm staying in for anywhere from two minutes to six minutes per session and that averages out to about 11 to 15 minutes total per week."
"You're getting better perfusion and blood flow. The biggest effect is a big increase of 2.5 times in dopamine that lasts for several hours. You know it's a significant increase when you feel mentally clear and alert. It increases metabolism. Additionally, there's the process of getting into this cold water when you didn't want to, which overrides limbic friction and helps build resilience."

Cold plunge at home with a compact, portable Ice Tub

Andrew Huberman's Workout Routine

An individual exercising

7:30 AM

Andrew Huberman starting his workout routine


Closeup of a clock
60 min

Sunday – Endurance;
Monday – Legs;
Tuesday – Heat/cold cycling;
Wednesday – Torso push/pull;
Thursday – High effort, short cardio;
Friday – High-intensity interval training
While it's important to customize the routine to fit your personal needs, be sure to maintain the overall goals of the schedule. The specific days of each workout can be adjusted, but it's important to maintain proper spacing between exercises.

Dr. Huberman's workout supplement recommendations

Official supplements by Momentous Supplements as Endorsed by Dr. Huberman

Use promocode Routines15 for 15% off on the Momentous Website.

Alpha-GPC by Momentous (buy): 300mg, 30-60 minutes before key workouts. Alpha-GPC promotes the release of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in memory, attention and skeletal muscle contraction. It has been shown to increase power output in athletes.
Tyrosine by Momentous (buy): 500mg, 30-60 minutes before key workouts. L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that can increase the production of dopamine and related neurotransmitters that positively impact energy, motivation and mood. Thus, L-Tyrosine is a powerful tool for enhancing exercise performance.
Creatine by Momentous (buy): 5g daily. Creatine is a molecule that stores high-energy phosphate groups that ultimately lead to the regeneration of ATP, the primary energy carrier in the body. In thousands of studies, creatine has been shown to effectively increase exercise performance.
Grass-fed Whey Protein by Momentous (buy): 40g, 30-60 minutes after workout. Whey protein is a well-absorbed source of protein that is useful for post-workout fueling. Research shows that consuming whey protein benefits muscle gain and fat loss, particularly post-workout.

Dr. Huberman's Fitness Toolkit

For Huberman's hypertrophy protocol, perform 3-4 sets of 5-8 reps with heavy weight for 3-4 weeks, resting for 2-4 minutes between sets.

The next month, switch to lighter weight and do 8-15 reps with 2-3 sets per exercise, resting for 90 seconds between sets. To optimize your resistance training, choose two exercises for each muscle group – one that involves maximal contraction at the end of the movement (e.g., bent row) and another that involves a stretch or full range of motion at the beginning of the movement (e.g., pull up).

To lower your heart rate between sets, practice physiologic sighs by taking two full inhales through your nose followed by one full exhale of all the air through your mouth. Keep in mind that the mind-muscle connection is important – certain muscles will grow bigger and stronger based on your ability to contract them without any load.

After each training session, take 3-5 minutes to do some deliberately slow breathing to relax your mind and body and downshift your nervous system.

Find detailed information on Dr. Huberman's podcast on his Fitness Toolkit.

Dr. Huberman's Fitness Routine

Sunday: Endurance – at least 30 minutes of cardio, ideally 60-75 minutes of zone 2 cardio such as jogging or hiking. Tip: use a weight vest for an extra challenge on shorter workouts.

Monday: Legs – Quads, Hamstrings, Calves. Why legs on Mondays? Training the largest muscle group when you're fresher sets off metabolic processes that elevate metabolism & amplify hormonal events. Get the hardest workout out of the way and move on.

Tuesday: Heat/cold cycling – ideally, hot sauna (20 minutes) + ice bath (5 minutes) x 5 rounds. Check out the notes for best practices and the benefits of heat or cold.

Wednesday: Torso – Push/Pull. Working push/pull enhances strength and joint integrity, and amplifies hormonal effects. Sample exercises: shoulder press, chin-ups. Important tip: don't forget to train your neck safely to reduce shoulder risk of injury and discomfort.

Thursday: Brief Cardio at 75-80% Effort – 35 minutes of running / rowing / cycling / stairs / jump rope, deeper than zone 2 but not all-out effort.

Friday: High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) – goal is to get heart rate way up and tap into strength & hypertrophy training for legs without weights.
Sample exercise: intervals on bike 20-30 second all-out sprint + 10 seconds rest x 8-12 rounds. For most people, max heart rate = 220-age. Only do all-out movements with perfect form.

Saturday: Arms, Calves, Neck – Indirect training for torso. Sample exercise: triceps dip, chin up, dumbbell curls, incline curls, triceps kickback. Tweak the routine and shift to personalize but keep the broad goals – the specific days of each workout aren’t critical but the exact spacing is.

Huberman does a hack squat, leg extensions, seated calf raises, leg curls, glute hamstring raise, etc. Huberman does not do squats or deadlifts.
If you want to learn more about his fitness schedule, consider checking out Andrew Huberman's Weekly Workout Routine article.

Closeup of an omelet
10:00 AM
Andrew Huberman drinking Yerba Mate

Morning Caffeine

Closeup of a hot coffee cup

Delays caffeine or tea intake by 2 hours after waking for adenosine regulation.

A no phone sign

Prefers Yerba Mate over coffee. Buy Yerba Mate with a 20% discount

Andrew Huberman's protein supplement bottle

Prioritizes deep thinking tasks early in morning before eating breakfast.

Benefits of Delaying Morning Caffeine

"I highly recommend that everybody delay their caffeine intake for 90 to 120 minutes after waking. However painful it may be to eventually arrive at that 90 to 120 minutes after waking, you want, and I encourage you, to clear out whatever residual adenosine is circulating in your system in that first 90 to 120 minutes of the day. Get that sunlight exposure, get some movement to wake up, and then, and only then, start to ingest caffeine because what you'll do if you delay caffeine intake until 90 to 120 minutes after waking is you will avoid the so-called afternoon crash"
"And if you drink caffeine at any point throughout the day, really try and avoid any caffeine, certainly avoid drinking more than a hundred milligrams of caffeine after 4:00 p.m and probably even better to limit your last caffeine intake to 3:00 p.m. or even 2:00 p.m"

Significance of Morning Caffeine

"If I'm going to do a resistance training workout, which is what I do three times a week, I will drink yerba mate. I usually brew my own. I'm a big fan of yerba mate because of the caffeine source. It also has a different caffeine-like substance in it. It also is not as dehydrating as coffee, but I also just really like it. But people should avoid the smoked varieties. The smoked varieties can be carcinogenic. "

Andrew Huberman's Afternoon/Evening Routine

Closeup of a plate

1:00 PM

Andrew Huberman preparing his meal

First Meal

Closeup of an hourglass

Practices Intermittent Fasting. Usually fasts for 12-16 hours, and has his first meal early afternoon.

A fork and a knife

When eating breakfast, he usually eats a low-carb meal with meat and vegetables, but may add carbs like rice or oatmeal after intense exercise.

Potential Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a dietary pattern in which you cycle between periods of eating and fasting. There are many different forms of intermittent fasting, but one common method involves eating all of your daily calories within a 6-8 hour window and fasting for the remaining 14-16 hours. Some people believe that intermittent fasting has a number of potential health benefits, including weight loss, improved insulin sensitivity, and reduced inflammation. It may also help to improve heart health, increase longevity, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer.

Dr. Huberman's in-depth podcast on Fasting and Time-restricted Feeding.

Athletic Greens

Athletic Greens is a dietary supplement that contains a blend of ingredients that the manufacturer claims to have a range of health benefits, such as improved energy levels and athletic performance, support for immune health, improved digestion and gut health, improved skin health, and support for mental clarity and cognitive function.

I’ve been using Athletic Greens since 2012 because it’s the simplest, most straightforward way for me to get my basis of important vitamins, minerals, and probiotics.
- Dr. Huberman
Buy AG1 by Athletic Greens

An individual focusing on yoga
03:00 PM
Andrew Huberman starting his yoga routine

Yoga Nidra

A clock
30 min
Closeup of a switch

Optional: If Dr. Huberman is still feeling unrested he will do another 10-30 minute Yoga Nidra session.

Andrew Huberman running
06:30 PM
Andrew Huberman focusing on his evening cardio routine

Evening Cardio

According to Dr. Huberman on social media, it may be more beneficial to do cardio workouts in the evening instead of weight training. However, he emphasizes that it's important to do what feels comfortable for you. He also mentions that there could be some advantages to doing a morning workout and saving cardio for the evening.

Closeup of a dinner plate with a cover

7:00 PM

Andrew Huberman eating his evening meal

Evening Meal

An hourglass

Eats 3-4 hours before bedtime

Closeup of herbal leaves

Eats carbs for replenishing glycogen levels and helps with sleep

Closeup of a knife and a fork

Avoids eating too much meat before bed to avoid long gastric clearance.

Dr. Huberman's approach to his evening meal

In the Huberman Lab podcast, he focuses on starch for his last meal of the day, as it helps him sleep better. Starchy carbohydrates like pasta, rice, potatoes, etc. can decrease the time it takes to fall asleep and increase serotonin and tryptophan levels. Serotonin is a mood stabilizer that promotes good sleep quality, and tryptophan is an essential amino acid that is a precursor for several hormones, including melatonin and serotonin. Andrew also includes vegetables and sometimes lean protein like tuna or salmon, and if he's not training as much, he reduces the carbohydrate intake by half. He notes that eating too much meat before sleep can negatively affect his sleep quality and that meat has a long gastric clearance time, which may contribute to poorer sleep.

Andrew Huberman's Sleep Routine

Closeup of a dim light

09:30 PM

Andrew Huberman starting his sleep routine by dimming the lights

Dims Lighting

"Avoid viewing bright lights—especially bright overhead lights between 10 pm and 4 am.
Here is a simple rule: only use as much artificial lighting as is necessary for you to remain and move about safely at night. Blue blockers can help a bit at night but still dim the lights. Viewing bright lights of all colors are a problem for your circadian system. Candlelight and moonlight are fine."

Detriments of Blue Light in the evening

Exposure to blue light, particularly in the evening hours, can have negative effects on sleep. Blue light is a type of light with a short wavelength that is found in natural sunlight. It has been shown to suppress the production of the hormone melatonin, which is involved in the body's sleep-wake cycle. When we are exposed to blue light at night, it can disrupt the body's natural sleep-wake cycle, making it more difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Research has shown that exposure to blue light in the evening can disrupt the body's natural circadian rhythms, causing a delay in the release of melatonin and making it harder to fall asleep. In addition, blue light has been found to reduce the amount of deep sleep that people get, which is important for physical and mental restoration.

To help minimize the negative effects of blue light on sleep, it is recommended to reduce exposure to screens (such as phones, tablets, and computers) in the hours leading up to bedtime, and to use screens that have a blue light filter or to use blue light blocking glasses. It is also recommended to avoid bright lights and to use dimmer lighting in the evenings, as this can help to promote the production of melatonin and improve sleep quality.

Want to find out more about Andrew Huberman's sleep schedule? Read our article on his extensive sleep routine.

Closeup of a moon and multiple stars

10:30 PM

Andrew Huberman sleeping at night


Closeup of a clock
At least 6.5 hours

According to Dr. Huberman sleep is the best nootropic, stress relief, trauma release, immune booster, hormone augmentation, and emotional stabilizer. It is no surprise his entire routine is geared towards optimizing it.

Benefits of Sleep Supplements

"There are supplements that for most people will greatly improve their ability to fall and stay asleep and the three main supplements in that category or that kit of Momentous Sleep Supplements (Buy full sleep stack here).

Get 15% off on Momentous Supplements by using promocode Routines15

"The ideal time to take those is 30 to 60 minutes before bedtime"
Magnesium Threonate 145 mg by Momentous (buy)
100-400mg Theanine by Momentous (buy)
50mg Apigenin by Momentous (buy)
3-4 nights per week I also take 2g of Glycine and 100mg GABA
"I would start with one supplement (or none!) and then add one at a time as needed. Some people do not need any supplements, and some people like theanine but not magnesium, etc. so you have to determine what is best for you. I use supplements from Momentous for all of the above."
"So every third or fourth night, I will take two grams of glycine and a hundred milligrams of GABA in addition to the standard sleep stack that I talked about before. So I'm taking mag threonate, apigenin, and theanine, and then I will also take two grams of glycine and GABA, which I find greatly enhances my ability to get into sleep."

Get a customizable sleep bundle with VitaminLab

Don't want to buy so many individual supplements? We've partnered with VitaminLab, a highly reputable company with only the highest-quality, lab-tested vitamins. Buy the Huberman Sleep bundle as-is, or customize it to your liking.

Andrew Huberman's Official Sleep Supplement Bundle

As part of his powerful Toolkit for Sleep protocols, Dr. Huberman has helped us select the best ingredients backed by science. Each one provides unique effects that help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the toughest day.

How Andrew Tracks and Measures various Health markers

To monitor the effects of these supplements and his overall health, Huberman tests his blood twice a year using a company that offers comprehensive blood tests.

Some Options for InsideTracker:

  • Essentials
  • Foundation
  • Ultimate Plan + DNA Kit + InnerAge 2.0 calculation

Andrew Huberman's Official Complete Product Bundle

A comprehensive collection of products designed to support cognitive function, sleep, and hormone balance. This bundle contains a variety of high-quality supplements, including Omega-3, Magnesium Threonate, Apigenin, Inositol, L-Theanine, Tongkat Ali, Fadogia Agrestis, Zinc Picolinate, Alpha GPC, Tyrosine, Creatine, Acetyl-L-Carnitine.

Each of these ingredients has been carefully selected by Dr. Huberman and shown to support brain health, improve sleep quality, and promote overall well being. This starter pack has everything you need to get going on the Huberman Protocol.

wake up

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Andrew Huberman taking supplements

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Andrew Huberman's Comprehensive Supplement Guide: Boosting Testosterone, Sleep Quality, and Mental Sharpness

Andrew Huberman, a professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology at Stanford School of Medicine, has gained a wide following for sharing his extensive knowledge on human optimization. Through his research and self-experimentation, Huberman has developed a targeted supplement protocol to enhance his biology. In this in-depth guide, we’ll cover all the supplements Huberman takes, with additional insights from

Andrew Huberman's Comprehensive Supplement Guide ->

Closeup of Peter Attia

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Dr. Peter Attia's Daily Routine

Dr. Peter Attia, a respected longevity specialist, provides practical strategies for optimal health based on his expertise in areas like nutrition, exercise, sleep, emotional health, and pharmacology. His renowned podcast, The Peter Attia Drive, and bestselling book, Outlive: The Science & Art of Longevity, guide individuals towards a vibrant life. Dr. Attia leverages diverse scientific domains to enhance lifespan and improve quality of life. His methodology employs techniques from nutritional biochemistry to endocrinology for delaying chronic diseases and enriching life quality.

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Explore Dr. Attia's Routine

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Disclaimer: The routines and schedules highlighted on our website are provided solely for informational purposes and must not be construed as medical or professional guidance. These practices may differ significantly depending on an individual's unique preferences, objectives, and daily routine. Please be aware that some links to products within our content are affiliate links. Although not all routines have been explicitly endorsed by the specific individuals referenced, we diligently conduct thorough research to confirm that the information we present is both precise and current.


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