Closeup of Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss’ Daily Schedule

How He Focuses On Productivity And Self-Improvement

Best known for his self-help and productivity books, Tim Ferriss is an American author, public speaker, and entrepreneur. Several noteworthy books he has created are "The 4-Hour Workweek," "The 4-Hour Body," and "The 4-Hour Chef." His work usually centers on time management techniques, lifestyle design, and methods for both professional and personal growth.

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Tim Ferriss’ Morning Routine


10:00 a.m.

Closeup of Tim Ferriss in his bed


Focuses on a relaxing start to his day. For this, he suggests putting the phone on airplane mode the night before to save himself from the bombardment of messages.

First thing in the morning, he makes his bed as recommended by an Indian monk. According to Timothy Ferriss, “It sets you up psychologically to be more productive

He aims for visual tidiness, not Four Seasons. So, he follows the “sweep-it-under-the-rug” approach.

Here’s what he means by this approach:

“It just means, in my case, pulling up the sheet and blanket so that it looks like I haven’t had an elephant rolling around in my bed. It’s really quite simple. Then arrange the pillow in a semi-pretty-fashion subjectively, and there you have it.”

Here's what Tim has to say about morning:

“I do believe that if you win the morning, you win the day”


10:05 a.m.

Tim Ferriss focusing on his meditation routine

22 Minutes Morning Meditation

The morning routine of Tim Ferriss consists of a 22-minute meditation, which is divided into two parts.

20 minutes — transcendental meditation — it could be Vipassana, it could be Headspace.

2 minutes — Decompression period

At times, he substitutes Jerzy Gregorek's "Happy Body" mobility exercises—which he learned about from Naval Ravikant—for meditation.

What is Transcendental Meditation?

Transcendental meditation (TM) is a specific form of mantra meditation that was introduced by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in the 1950s.

It involves silently repeating a mantra, a specific sound, or a word, for about 15-20 minutes, twice a day, with the eyes closed.

The goal of TM is to allow the mind to settle into a state of restful awareness, leading to a deep state of relaxation and reduced mental activity.

There are several reasons why people often practice transcendental meditation in the morning:

  • Stress Reduction: TM is known for its potential to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Starting the day with a meditation session can help individuals manage stress and approach the day with a calmer mindset.
  • Increased Energy and Focus: Morning meditation sessions can enhance their energy levels and improve focus throughout the day. The practice is believed to provide a boost in mental clarity and alertness.
  • Establishing a Routine: Many people prefer to establish a consistent routine by incorporating meditation into their morning rituals. This helps create a structured start to the day, potentially promoting a sense of discipline and balance.
  • Better Preparation for the Day: Beginning the day with meditation allows individuals to clear their minds and set a positive tone for the day ahead. It can help in gaining perspective, prioritizing tasks, and approaching challenges with a more composed mindset.

Wondering how to add mindfulness to your daily routine? Check out our article on The Daily Meditation Routine.

Sunlight sign

10:45 a.m.

Tim Ferriss drinking tea

Tea Time

He makes oolong tea or a blend of turmeric, ginger, and Pu-erh.

Buy Oolong tea

For the blend, Timothy Ferriss uses about 1 flat teaspoon of Pu-erh aged black tea, Dragon well green tea, Turmeric, and ginger shavings.

Benefits of Tim’s Oolong Tea

Turmeric, ginger, and Pu-erh tea are known for their various health benefits, and combining them in a morning tea can offer a flavorful and nutritious start to the day.

Here are a few reasons why these ingredients are often considered beneficial:

  • Anti-Inflammatory Properties:

Turmeric: Contains curcumin, a compound known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Ginger: Also has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, potentially aiding in reducing inflammation in the body.

  • Digestive Health:

Ginger: Traditionally used to soothe digestive discomfort and nausea, ginger may help with digestion and improve gastrointestinal health.

Pu-erh Tea: Known for its digestive properties and potential to assist in weight management.

  • Rich in Antioxidants:

Turmeric: Contains antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals, contributing to overall health and well-being.

Pu-erh Tea: Like other teas, Pu-erh contains antioxidants that may help protect cells from oxidative stress.

  • Boosts Metabolism:

Ginger: Has thermogenic properties that may contribute to a slight increase in metabolism, potentially aiding in weight management.

Pu-erh Tea: Some studies suggest that Pu-erh tea may have metabolism-boosting effects.

  • Promotes Heart Health:

Turmeric: May have cardiovascular benefits, including improving blood vessel function and reducing the risk of heart disease.

Pu-erh Tea: Some research suggests that Pu-erh tea may help lower LDL cholesterol levels.

  • Mood and Cognitive Support:

Turmeric: Some clinical research suggest that curcumin in turmeric may have neuroprotective effects, potentially supporting cognitive function.

Ginger: Traditionally used to improve mood and reduce stress.

  • Balancing Energy Levels:

Pu-erh Tea: Contains caffeine, which can provide a gentle energy boost without the jittery effects associated with some other sources of caffeine.

11:00 a.m.

Tim Ferriss writing his 5-minute morning journal

Morning Routine Journal

He does two types of journaling depending on his mood and day;

  • Morning pages — He writes his heart out on the paper, or as per him “cages his monkey mind” for a clear start to the day.
  • 5-minute journal (5MJ)— He has a few sections in this journal:
  1. Things he’s grateful for
  2. Things that would make the day great
  3. Daily affirmations
  4. Amazing things that happened in the day
  5. How could he have made the day better
  6. What he can do to improve the Tim Ferriss Show

Regarding the format of his 5MJ he says, “The format of the Five-Minute Journal is very straightforward. This might seem simplistic, but it is, first and foremost, simple. And If I have learned anything, that is certainly that complexity fails”

As per him, “Five Minute Journal is very helpful for focus, appreciation and keeping things simple."

11:15 a.m.

Tim Ferriss having a glass of protein shake in the breakfast


He consumes a couple of things in his breakfast;

  • Exogenous Ketone or MCT oil

He takes KetoForce by KetoSports on the recommendation of Dominic D’Agostino or Brain Octane C8 by Bulletproof.

  • Protein shake, comprising Tera’s Whey, which is a goat whey protein, + Great Lake Gelatin, introduced by Amelia Boone, + Super Beets
  • Oolong tea
  • Sardines packed with Olive oil

When he’s trying to increase muscle mass, he takes a slow-carb breakfast with spinach, eggs, lentils, etc.

Benefits Of Taking Exogenous Ketone In The Morning

Taking exogenous ketones in the morning is a practice that's adopted for various reasons. Here are a few reasons why Tim chooses to take exogenous ketones in the morning:

  • Quick Energy Boost:

Exogenous ketones can provide a rapid source of energy. In the morning, when glycogen stores are lower due to overnight fasting, ketones may offer a quick energy boost without the need to consume carbohydrates.

  • Enhanced Mental Focus:

Some individuals report improved mental clarity and focus when using exogenous ketones. This could be particularly beneficial in the morning when concentration and alertness are crucial for starting the day.

  • Appetite Control:

Ketones may influence hunger hormones, and taking exogenous ketones in the morning helps control appetite throughout the day. This can be especially relevant for those following a ketogenic or low-carbohydrate diet.

  • Physical Performance:

Exogenous ketones are used before workouts to potentially enhance endurance and performance. Taking them in the morning could be beneficial for those who exercise early in the day.

Tim Ferriss drinking AG1

Tim Ferriss on Using AG1 by Athletic Greens

Athletic Greens is an "all-in-one" nutritional supplement, aiming to provide a comprehensive source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, probiotics, and other nutrients in a convenient powdered form.

“I get asked all the time, ‘If you could only use one supplement, what would it be?’ My answer is usually Athletic Greens, my all-in-one nutritional insurance.”

Buy Athletic Greens

Tim Ferriss mixes the powder in water for consumption.

Buy Athlic Greensnutritional support it needs every day.

Nutrient Density:

Athletic Greens aim to offer a concentrated source of various nutrients in one serving. This can be beneficial for individuals who may have difficulty meeting their nutritional needs through diet alone.

Micronutrient Support:

The supplement typically includes vitamins and minerals that play essential roles in various bodily functions. Adequate intake of these micronutrients is crucial for overall health and well-being.

Digestive Health:

Athletic Greens often include probiotics and digestive enzymes, which may contribute to gut health. Probiotics can support a healthy balance of gut bacteria, while digestive enzymes may aid in nutrient absorption.

Energy and Vitality:

It increases energy and vitality. This may be attributed to the diverse array of nutrients supporting overall health.

Learn more about the science and benefits of AG1 ->
Buy Athletic Greens ->
Get a free one-year supply of vitamin D drops + five travel packs with your first purchase when you buy a double subscription of AG1 via Routines

12:00 p.m.
Tim Ferriss having a morning workout using kettlebell

Exercise Routine (20-90 minutes)

The workout routine of Tim Ferriss consists of;

  • Rides on a Peloton bike with a 20-minute HIIT workout
  • Climbing 2x week
  • Acroyoga 2x week
  • Weight training 1-2x week

He also goes for 5 minutes of kettlebell swing 3 times a week.

Benefits Of Acroyoga

Acroyoga is a form of partner yoga that combines acrobatics, yoga, and therapeutic practices. Practicing Acroyoga in the morning can offer several benefits.

  • Physical Activation:

Acroyoga involves various physical elements, including strength, flexibility, and balance. Engaging in these movements in the morning can help activate and awaken the body, promoting increased blood flow and energy levels.

  • Mental Focus and Mindfulness:

Performing intricate poses and transitions in Acroyoga requires concentration and mindfulness. Morning practice can contribute to mental clarity, focus, and a sense of presence that can positively impact the rest of the day.

  • Energy and Mood Boost:

Physical activity, especially in the form of partner-based activities like Acroyoga, can release endorphins and contribute to an overall positive mood. Starting the day with a sense of accomplishment and joy can set a positive tone for the day.

  • Stress Reduction:

Engaging in Acroyoga can be a form of moving meditation, helping to reduce stress and tension. The combination of breathwork, physical movement, and connection with a partner can have a calming effect on the nervous system.

Tim Ferriss taking supplements

Tim Ferriss' Supplement List

Sleep Supplements:

All are taken 30 – 60 minutes before bed.

Nootropic Supplements for Brain Performance:

  • Creatine – low dose (1 – 2 grams) taken daily
  • Ubiquinol – taken daily with creatine for cognitive benefits
  • Lion’s Mane Mushroom – taken occasionally
  • Lithium Orotate – 5 mg dose, periodically
  • MCT Oil – used strategically rather than daily

Anti-inflammatory & General Health Supplements:

  • Turmeric / Curcumin – taken in “Titantium Tea”
  • Fish Oil – taken regularly for many years
  • N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) – to support immune function
  • Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) – for treating injuries
  • Athletic Greens – as “nutritional insurance”

Physical Performance & Recovery Supplements:

Immune Support Supplements:

  • L-Lysine – to combat viral infections and cold sores
  • Apple Cider Vinegar – to support immune function
  • Medicinal Mushrooms – to enhance immune function

1:00 p.m.

Tim Ferriss having a cold shower in the morning

Morning Cold Shower

After the workout, he takes a relaxing cold shower.

Benefits Of Cold Showers

Taking a cold shower in the morning can offer several potential benefits for physical and mental well-being.

  • Increased Alertness and Energy:

Cold showers stimulate the body's sympathetic nervous system, leading to an increase in heart rate and alertness. The shock of cold water can help wake you up and leave you feeling more energized.

  • Improved Circulation:

Cold water causes blood vessels to constrict and then dilate, which can enhance blood circulation. This improved circulation may contribute to better overall cardiovascular health.

  • Reduced Muscle Soreness and Inflammation:

Cold water immersion has been associated with reduced muscle soreness and inflammation. Athletes often use cold showers or ice baths as part of their recovery routine after intense physical activity.

  • Enhanced Mood and Stress Reduction:

Cold exposure may trigger the release of endorphins, the body's natural mood enhancers. Additionally, cold showers are thought to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting a relaxation response that can help reduce stress.

For more on the benefits of cold shower, check out our article on The Cold Plunge.

1:30 p.m.

Tim Ferriss having beef and vegetables for lunch at a Mexican restaurant


Tim normally has lunch outside. For lunch he takes;

  • Organic beef
  • Vegetables
  • Pinto beans
  • Guacamole

He suggests making three groups and mixing and matching one item from each;

Group 1: Proteins:

  • Egg whites with one whole egg for flavor
  • Chicken breast or thigh
  • Grass-fed organic beef
  • Pork

Group 2: Legumes:

  • Lentils
  • Black beans
  • Pinto beans

Group 3: Vegetables:

  • Spinach
  • Asparagus
  • Peas
  • Mixed Vegetables

1:30 - 5:30 p.m.

Tim Ferriss writing on a copy

Work Routine

Tim suggests a 4-hour work week.

Buy 4-Hour Work Week By Tim Ferriss

The goal of this strategy is to be more productive and break the working norms by managing your time smartly.

Before starting his work, he monitors his calendar for approaching deadlines.

Tim Ferriss advises limiting your daily to-do list to no more than two main, "mission-critical" tasks. He writes around 1,200 words for conversational fluency.

He also suggests delegating and automating tasks to save time and energy.

“Never automate something that can be eliminated, and never delegate something that can be automated or streamlined”

Tim Ferriss’ Evening Routine

5:30 -8:30 p.m.

Tim Ferriss wearing a white and blue uniform during his sports training

After Work Activity

Smaller First Dinner

Tim eats 4 times a day instead of some people who eat 6 to 8 times a day.

Sports Training (Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Training)

After a small first dinner or second lunch, he then focuses on sports training.

Tim Ferriss’ Night Routine

9:30 p.m.

Tim Ferriss having Salmon and Asparagus for dinner at home


He likes having a large dinner at home which usually consists of

  • Salmon
  • Asparagus or lentils
  • Coconut Cauliflower Curry Mash

10:00 – 2:00 a.m.

Tim Ferriss reading a book while sitting on a sofa

Night-Time And Sleep Routine

Tim likes spending some relaxing time so for enjoyment, he reads or drinks wine with friends.

For a good night’s sleep, he does a few things

  • Takes phosphatidylserine (PS)
  • Consumes 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar + 1 tablespoon of unfiltered, raw honey in hot water for better sleep - a tip from Seth Roberts

Buy Apple Cider Vinegar

Pre-Bed Snack

Tim has a little snack right before bed, like an apple and some plain low-fat (not fat-free) yogurt, mandarin orange with five to eight almonds, or a few stalks of celery with nut butter.

This resolves the problem of low sugar levels after a night's fast, which causes headaches and lethargy in the morning.


Tim advises against reading non-fiction right before bed since it promotes future-focused thinking and obsession.

He recommends reading books that compel you to pay attention to the current moment and stimulate your creativity.

Some Book Recommendations By Tim Ferriss

Motherless Brooklyn

Stranger in a Strange Land

How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia

Relax In Soaking Tub Or Ice Bath

He uses essential oil, Epsom, medicinal salts, etc. in his soaking tub, depending on the day’s training.

Consumes ice water every 2-3 cycles during the bath.

Listens to audio books or motivational presentations

If not the soaking tub, Tim chooses an ice bath as it helps with his insomnia. However, he makes sure that he takes the ice bath at most 1 hour before bedtime. If it’s closer to the sleep time, it won’t work.

Closeup of Joe Rogan

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A Routine for Optimal Living and Performance

Joe Rogan, a well-known comedian, podcast host, and MMA commentator, leads a life that many find fascinating. He's not just a voice on one of the most popular podcasts worldwide, Rogan also maintains an extensive schedule that includes fitness, comedy, and a keen interest in a broad range of subjects. From his disciplined workout routines to his thoughtful diet plans and his approach to work and leisure, Rogan's day is filled with activities that reflect his passions and commitments. Here’s a look at Joe Rogan's daily routine.

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Explore Joe Rogan's Routine

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Disclaimer: The routines and schedules highlighted on our website are provided solely for informational purposes and must not be construed as medical or professional guidance. These practices may differ significantly depending on an individual's unique preferences, objectives, and daily routine. Please be aware that some links to products within our content are affiliate links. Although not all routines have been explicitly endorsed by the specific individuals referenced, we diligently conduct thorough research to confirm that the information we present is both precise and current.