A guy sleeping in his bed

How to Create a Routine That Guarantees Better Sleep?

Practical tips for a restful night, every night.

Creating a bedtime routine is one of the easiest and most effective ways to improve the quality of your sleep and ensure you wake up feeling refreshed and energized. A well-structured sleep routine helps your body wind down, signaling that it’s time for rest. You can improve how quickly you fall asleep and the overall restfulness of your night by following a consistent bedtime schedule and focusing on healthy habits. Let’s analyse how you can create a routine that works for you and improves your sleep schedule.

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A girl with an alarm clock

Fix A Bedtime

Creating a fixed bedtime routine is a simple way to improve your sleep quality and overall well-being. Your body can better align with its natural rhythms by setting a consistent sleep schedule, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up feeling energized.

  • Bedtime routine consistency: Consistency in your sleep schedule helps your brain naturally recognize when it’s time to sleep, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up feeling refreshed.
  • Choosing your bedtime: Decide on a bedtime and wake-up time that fits your daily schedule, ensuring you get 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Stick to this schedule every day, including weekends, to maintain a consistent sleep routine. Consider using the Philips SmartSleep Wake-Up Light, which gradually lights up to simulate a natural sunrise.
  • Reminder for bedtime: If needed, set a reminder alarm to signal when it’s time to start winding down for bed, helping you maintain a regular bedtime routine. The Fitbit Versa 3 can be a helpful tool, offering bedtime reminders and sleep tracking to ensure you stay on schedule.
  • Reinforcing your sleep-wake cycle: A consistent bedtime routine reinforces your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle, promoting better sleep quality and making it easier to fall asleep each night. Adding a white noise machine like the LectroFan High Fidelity White Noise Machine can help create a soothing environment that encourages deep sleep.
A guy using a phone with a red light filter

Put Away The Electronics

Reducing screen time before bed is an essential part of establishing a healthy sleep routine. While it might be tempting to relax with your favorite show or scroll through social media, electronic devices can significantly disrupt your sleep.

  • Blue light and its impact on sleep: Devices like smartphones, computers, and televisions emit blue light, which tricks your brain into thinking it’s still daytime. This disrupts your sleep routine by decreasing melatonin production, making it harder to fall asleep.
  • Minimizing evening electronics use: To maintain a consistent sleep routine, it's best to put away electronics as you begin your bedtime routine. Try to avoid using them in the evening to prevent disruptions to your sleep schedule.
  • Using red-light filters: If you must use your phone or other devices in the evening, enable the red-light filter well in advance of your bedtime routine. This helps reduce the effects of blue light, making it easier to stick to your optimal sleep schedule.
  • Creating a screen-free bedtime routine: Rather than relying on screens, incorporate calming activities into your bedtime routine like reading a book or practicing mindfulness. An e-reader with a built-in red-light filter, like the Kindle Paperwhite, is a great alternative if you enjoy reading before sleep.
  • Fostering a sleep-friendly environment: Keeping your sleeping area free from electronic distractions is vital for maintaining a good sleep routine. Consider using an alarm clock with a red-light setting instead of your smartphone to wake up.

Implementing these practices as part of your sleep routine can help you establish a healthy bedtime schedule, ensuring that you wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day ahead.

A girl meditating at night

Start Meditating

Focusing on meditation during your bedtime routine can be a game-changer for improving your sleep quality. Much like yoga, regular meditation practice helps calm the mind and body, making it easier to stay asleep.

  • Meditation and sleep quality: Regular meditation practice, particularly mindfulness meditation, can significantly improve your sleep routine. It teaches you to accept your thoughts and manage emotions without judgment, reducing the anxiety that often accompanies bedtime.
  • Mindfulness meditation practice: Practicing mindfulness meditation is simple. Close your eyes, focus on your breathing, and allow yourself to observe your thoughts and feelings without trying to change them.
  • Using meditation apps: To get started with meditation, consider using a meditation app like Headspace, which offers guided sessions tailored to improving sleep. These sessions can be a valuable addition to your bedtime routine, helping you establish healthy bedtime habits and enhance your sleep hygiene practices.
  • Create a comfortable space for meditation: Having a dedicated space for meditation can make it easier to incorporate this practice into your sleep routine. Consider using a top-quality yoga mat for comfort during your meditation sessions. A comfortable mat can help you relax and focus, making your evening routine more effective.

For those interested in starting a meditation practice, check out our top-classDaily Meditation Routine article, which offers a comprehensive guide to integrating meditation into your daily life, along with product recommendations to support your practice.

A guy drinking herbal tea before sleeping

Eat And Drink Healthy Items Before Sleeping

The foods and drinks you consume before bed can greatly influence the quality of your sleep. While heavy meals and alcohol can lead to sleep disturbances, going to bed hungry isn't the solution either. Striking the right balance with a light snack or a cup of non-caffeinated herbal tea can help you unwind and get ready for a peaceful night’s sleep.

  • Skip heavy meals and alcohol before bed: Consuming a large meal or drinking alcohol before going to sleep can cause discomfort, indigestion, and frequent trips to the bathroom, all of which can disrupt your sleep routine.
  • Curb hunger with a light snack: An empty stomach at bedtime can be just as disruptive as overeating. A small snack like almonds or a banana, can help settle your stomach and make it easier to drift off to sleep. Consider Nature’s Bakery Fig Bars as a good option for a bedtime snack, providing a satisfying mix of carbs and fiber.
  • Opt for non-caffeinated herbal teas: Sipping on non-caffeinated tea in the evening can be a comforting part of your sleep routine. Herbal teas like chamomile are known for their calming effects and can help you relax. The Traditional Medicinals Nighty Night Tea is a great choice for promoting relaxation and a good night’s sleep.

Adding a light, healthy snack or a cup of non-caffeinated tea to your evening routine can help you achieve better sleep by soothing your stomach and calming your mind.  You can maintain a consistent sleep routine and enhance the quality of your sleep by choosing more sleep-friendly options.

A girl writing a journal

Start Journaling

Journaling can be a powerful addition to your bedtime routine, helping you process your thoughts and emotions before sleep. You can clear your mind and prepare yourself for a restful night by taking a few moments to write down your thoughts.

  • Journaling as a nighttime ritual: Journaling in the evening can help you sort through your thoughts and feelings, making it easier to relax. This practice can help create a consistent sleep routine by allowing you to let go of any lingering stress or anxiety from the day.
  • Simple journaling tips: If the idea of journaling feels overwhelming, start small. Consider writing a simple to-do list for the next day or jotting down three things you’re grateful for. This can still provide the mental clarity needed to improve your bedtime routine. The Leuchtturm1917 Hardcover Notebook is a great choice for a journaling notebook, offering a high-quality and comfortable writing experience.
  • Creating a peaceful journaling environment: Make journaling a soothing part of your sleep routine by setting up a calm environment. Use a comfortable pen like the Uni-Ball Jetstream Retractable Ball Point Pen and light a candle or diffuse essential oils to create a relaxing atmosphere.

If you're thinking about starting a journaling practice, be sure to explore our Journaling article. It provides valuable tips and product recommendations to guide you, whether you're just beginning or seeking to enhance your existing routine.

A guy holding multiple supplement pills

Take Sleep Supplements

Incorporating sleep supplements into your bedtime routine can be an effective way to support your natural sleep-wake cycle and enhance your overall sleep quality. These supplements are designed to help your body relax, making it easier to fall asleep.

  • Supporting your sleep-wake cycle: Sleep supplements are formulated to nurture your body's natural rhythms, helping you maintain a consistent sleep schedule. These supplements can make it easier to establish a good sleep routine bysupporting the optimal functioning of your nervous system
  • Magnesium L-Threonate benefits: Magnesium L-Threonate, a key ingredient in many sleep supplements, helps prime your body for sleep. It not only promotes relaxation but also supports cognitive function, which is essential for a restful night’s sleep.
  • Apigenin for relaxation: Apigenin, a bioflavonoid found in sleep supplements, plays a crucial role in helping your body transition into sleep. Its calming effects make it a valuable component of any bedtime routine.
  • L-Theanine for a peaceful mind: L-Theanine is another powerful ingredient that promotes relaxation, helping to quiet the mind and prepare you for sleep. This amino acid is particularly effective when combined with other sleep-promoting nutrients.
  • Recommended sleep supplement: The Momentous Sleep supplement is an excellent choice for enhancing your sleep routine. It’s recommended to take one pack 30 minutes before bedtime to support a healthy sleep schedule and promote deep, restorative sleep.

Sleep supplements from Momentous can be a powerful tool in creating a consistent and effective sleep routine. Incorporating the right supplements into your bedtime routine, along with other healthy sleep habits, can make a significant difference in your overall sleep quality.

A guy listening to music before sleeping

Tune In To Music

Listening to music can be an excellent way to enhance your sleep routine. Whether you prefer classical, jazz, or ambient sounds, incorporating calming audio into your bedtime schedule can help you relax and prepare for a good night's sleep.

  • Music as a relaxation tool: Music has the ability to calm your mind and shift your focus away from daily stressors and anxiety. The genre of music isn’t as important as how it makes you feel. Choose tracks that help you create a peaceful atmosphere before bed. A pair of comfortable sleep headphones like the AcousticSheep SleepPhones can make this part of your sleep routine even more enjoyable.
  • Using ambient sounds and noise for better sleep: Other audio options like ambient sounds or white noise, can also be beneficial. Consider using a LectroFan White Noise Machine to create a steady soundscape that promotes deeper sleep.
  • Customizing your audio environment: Tailor your bedtime routine by experimenting with different types of sounds and music to see what works best for you.

Tuning in to calming music or ambient sounds before bed can be a key component of your sleep routine. You can enhance relaxation, establish a consistent sleep routine, and ultimately enjoy better, more restorative sleep by using these audio tools into your bedtime schedule.

A girl reading a book at night

Read a Good Book

Reading before bed can be a calming and effective way to wind down, making it easier to fall asleep and maintain a consistent sleep routine. The right book can help you relax, clear your mind, and prepare for a restful night.

  • The Power of Now: This book by Eckhart Tolle encourages mindfulness and presence, making it an ideal read to help you relax at the end of the day. It’s a great choice for calming your mind and easing into a good sleep routine.
  • Nothing Much Happens: Written by Kathryn Nicolai, this collection of gentle, soothing stories is specifically designed to help you relax and fall asleep. It’s perfect for those nights when you need a little extra help drifting off. Consider using a Kindle Paperwhite for a comfortable reading experience before bed.
  • A First Time for Everything: This memoir by Dan Santat offers light-hearted and engaging stories that can transport you away from your worries, helping you to settle into your sleep routine.
  • Stolen Focus: Why You Can't Pay Attention: Johann Hari’s exploration of attention and focus can help shift your thoughts away from daily stressors, providing an intriguing yet relaxing way to end your day. This book can be a part of your bedtime schedule, helping to promote a calm mind before sleep.
  • The Nightingale: Kristin Hannah’s novel is a captivating read that can immerse you in a different world, helping to distract your mind from the stresses of the day. A compelling story like this can be a great tool to help you wind down and prepare for a good night's sleep.

Whether you choose a thought-provoking book or a soothing collection of stories, the act of reading can help you establish healthy sleep habits and maintain a consistent bedtime schedule.

A guy taking a bath at night

End the Day with a Bath

A warm bath can be a soothing addition to your bedtime routine, helping your body prepare for a restful night’s sleep.

  • Melatonin and body temperature regulation: As part of your sleep-wake cycle, your body begins producing melatonin in the evening, signaling that it's time to wind down. Taking a warm bath can help facilitate these natural changes.
  • Warm bath benefits: A warm bath taken about an hour before bedtime can raise your body temperature, and as you cool down afterward, it triggers a feeling of drowsiness. This rapid temperature change mimics the natural cooling process your body undergoes before sleep, making it easier to relax and fall asleep.
  • Timing your bath for optimal sleep: To make the most of this effect, plan to take your bath at least sixty minutes before you intend to go to bed. This timing allows your body to cool down sufficiently, aligning with your optimal sleep schedule. Consider using a product like Dr. Teal's Lavender Epsom Salt Soaking Solution in your bath to enhance relaxation.
  • Incorporating a bath into your bedtime routine: Making a bath a regular part of your evening routine can contribute to a consistent sleep schedule. The soothing nature of a bath can help create a sleep-friendly environment.
  • Enhance relaxation with bath products: To further improve your sleep routine, try adding calming bath products like Spa Luxetique Foaming Bath. This can help create a tranquil atmosphere, easing your transition into a good sleep routine.

Ending your day with a warm bath can be a simple yet effective way to enhance your sleep hygiene practices. A consistent bath routine can help you establish healthy bedtime habits, contributing to a more restful sleep.

Bryan Johnson sitting on his bed

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Disclaimer: The routines and schedules highlighted on our website are provided solely for informational purposes and must not be construed as medical or professional guidance. These practices may differ significantly depending on an individual's unique preferences, objectives, and daily routine. Please be aware that some links to products within our content are affiliate links. Although not all routines have been explicitly endorsed by the specific individuals referenced, we diligently conduct thorough research to confirm that the information we present is both precise and current.